Short Shiur Berachos 61a - The wearing of tefillin and the bris
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  • Short Shiur Berachos 61a - The wearing of tefillin and the bris

    07/15/2020 | 06:39

    Short Shiur Berachos 61a - The wearing of tefillin and the bris

    Created: 07/15/2020
  • Shul was cancelled on my bar mitzvah! Is leining made up?

    07/14/2020 | 15:17

    Coronavirus Covid-19 Halachic Issue: If shul is cancelled for multiple weeks will the leinings be made up? If a bar mitzvah boy missed his leining can he lein it when normal shul life resumes? Short shiur includes several halachic sources and a related story involving HaRav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach zt"l.

    Shul was cancelled on my bar mitzvah! Is leining made up?

    Created: 07/14/2020
  • Short Shiur Berachos 61a - The wearing of tefillin and the bris
    07/15/2020 | 06:39
    Short Shiur Berachos 61a - The wearing of tefillin and the bris
    06:39 >

  • Shul was cancelled on my bar mitzvah! Is leining made up?
    07/14/2020 | 15:17
    Shul was cancelled on my bar mitzvah! Is leining made up?
    15:17 >